62. MAOH Juvenile Remix, Vol. 4 by Megumi Osuga

MAOH Juvenile Remix, Vol. 4 by Megumi Osuga (Canada) - (US)
MAOH Juvenile Remix

Pages: 200
Ages: 16+
Finished: Mar. 11, 2011
First Published: Feb. 8, 2011
Publisher: viz media
Genre: YA, manga, fantasy, science fiction, adventure
Rating: 5/5

First sentence:

Walking back to camp through the swamp, Sam wondered whether to tell his father what he had seen.

Acquired: Received a review copy from Simon & Schuster Canada.

Reason for Reading: Next in the series.

The story pics up where we left off last time and once things are sorted out Inukae reveals he had gathered everyone here for a purpose anyway. He gives a speech to all the grasshoppers in the city via a live feed which will be picked up be television and the Internet. He incites them into believing that it is time to stop being passive and start being aggressive. On the top of a large building's helio pad he asks them to turn on the light and gradually the dark city buildings below have a light turned on over and over until it looks as if it were burning. Inuake has revealed his dark side now and he and his grasshoppers go after the sources of the building conglomerate. Unfortunately, one person gets get in the middle of this "Anderson" the boy who is the son of the CEO of the building company who does not justify what his father does. As well, assassins are populating this story each with different targets or duties. Thankfully "Ando" is no longer one of them. One, at least, has become a regular character.

It's never too long between reads with this series, but even if I do wait a bit longer I never have trouble picking up the new volume and diving into Nekota City, over run with vigilantism, and being turned into a business strip mall City. The story has a mafia-esque feel to it. One that I enjoy. Inuake is an enigma, even now that his dark side is front and centre, he still has a side that shows he is not entirely evil. Whether it is just in Inuake's head or actually the force behind this story, it seems that Inuake is fated to so something and only "Ando" is fated to possible stop him. Lots of excitement this volume, ending in a fabulous double-twist that leaves you wanting more. But I'm not too concerned since a major character is left in peril and I think they'll live to see another day, but that's just my opinion.


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